Tibet and East Turkistan are not Chinese territory. They were independent nations that China invaded and occupied forcefully. In 7 CE, Tibetans became a significant force. They were first ignored by the Chinese Tang Dynasty. Tang became aware of the serious risk when the Tibetans quickly took control of Chinese territory in the north and west.
The Chinese chose to negotiate a peace treaty with the Tibetans by paying vassalages and marrying off their princesses to Tibetan Kings after realizing that it was impossible to fight the Tibetans on the Tibet plateau, which is located at an average elevation of 16000 feet.
Ladakh, a region of Jammu and Kashmir state, is positioned between the states of Tibet and East Turkestan. Ladakh is significant to China because of ongoing separatist activities in East Turkestan and Tibet, neither of which has entirely assimilated with the mainland.
Various factors include the abundance of various natural resources (metals, oil & gas) as well as Tibet’s unmatched water resources (major rivers like Indus, Brahmaputra, Mekong, Salween, and Irrawaddy have their beginnings in Tibet), which make Tibet the third pole after the North and South Poles.
Click the below link for update news from Indian Express(https://www.newindianexpress.com/nation/2023/sep/11/the-new-map-of-borders-and-areas-around-china-2613692.html)

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